Womens Senior Squad  

The Womens Squad at City of Oxford are open to anyone with previous rowing or sculling experience who wishes to train regularly and race at a high standard.

We are supported by a great coaching team and the wider Club, with the aim of producing competitive crews and improving all athletes, coxes and coaches.

Next Season

The new season begins in September but the squad welcomes enquiries from rowers and especially from coxes and coaches at any time.

Follow us on Twitter @corcwomen.

If you have rowing experience and you are interested in joining CORC Senior Womens for this season's campaign, as a rower, cox or as an addition to the coaching team, please contact us via email: womens.captain@oxfordrowingclub.org.uk

Anna Rose

Womens Senior Captain

About The Squad

The City of Oxford Rowing Club is stronger than ever with four women squads in regular training and competing at national events. In recent years we have won medals at Women’s Henley, Ghent International Regatta and the National Championships of Great Britain. Our squads have also won a number of pots across the region, including their success at the City of Oxford Royal Regatta, an event hosted annually by the City of Oxford Rowing Club.

In 2011 we had three crews qualify for Henley Women's Regatta - with two of reaching the final at the National Championships of Great Britain. Both crews won gold and were selected to row for England at the Home Countries International Regatta. We usually have between 4 and 6 boats entered in the Women’s Head of the River Race.


The Senior Squad itself is composed of those athletes who can commit to the demanding training programme from September until Henley Royal Regatta - we train hard, and play hard!