Men's Senior Squad  

The Men's Squad at City of Oxford are open to anyone with previous rowing or sculling experience who wishes to train regularly and race at a high standard.

We are supported by a great coaching team and the wider Club, with the aim of producing competitive crews and improving all athletes, coxes and coaches.

2022-23 Season

The 2022-23 season kicks off with a meeting in the clubhouse bar on Saturday 3rd September 2022. All welcome.

Follow us on Instagram @corcmen.

If you have rowing experience and you are interested in joining CORC Senior Men for this season's campaign, as a rower, cox or as an addition to the coaching team, please contact us via email:

Sam Clifford

Men's Senior Captain

About The Squad

There is an expectation that if you want to perform well, you need to train well. Training is built around weekend mornings and mid-week evenings on the water. There is flexibility within the programme for real life for those who need it and can be arranged with the Captain and coaches.. 

Our training is supported by our successful and committed coaching team and a good fleet of both small and big boats. 


The Senior Squad is composed of those athletes who can commit to the demanding training programme from September until Henley Royal Regatta - we train hard, and play hard!